Sunday, June 16, 2024

YEWA in the city

Twelve-spotted Skimmer Libellula pulchella

Silver-spotted Skipper Epargyreus clarus

Woodchuck/Groundhog/Siffleur Marmota monax

Urban Yellow Warbler habitat

Urban Yellow Warbler habitat

Black Firefly Lucidota atra

Just a silly cloud I liked

  I was surprised to hear a Yellow Warbler briefly singing from a tree outside my window on June 10. That was actually my first-of-year YEWA – shows that I haven’t been near any water this spring. On June 11 it was heard singing from a tiny patch of reeds next to a busy highway nearby. It was heard again on the afternoon of June 15. It doesn’t stick around long enough to be seen – it seems to be moving between the various scrubby patches in the armpits of all four corners of a highway overpass. ‘Sub-optimal’ habitat for sure.

  While reading on my porch on the afternoon of June 13, several Black Fireflies drifted past me, and/or hung out on the porch. I checked later that night, but didn’t see any lit up, as I reckon it was too chilly for them. It’s about to heat up though.

  On June 15, not much at my patch — 13 species in 90 minutes. The lovely tall grass field that was jam-packed with dragonflies and butterflies has been mowed down to the dirt. An Eastern Phoebe was seen still busily catching insects, hopefully it’s got nestlings somewhere. Several Red-eyed Vireos heard, but no Warbling Vireos.

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