Broad-winged Hawk Buteo platypterus |
Broad-winged Hawk Buteo platypterus |
Turkey Vulture Cathartes aura |
American Redstart Setophaga ruticilla |
Least Flycatcher Empidonax minimus |
Great Crested Flycatcher Myiarchus crinitus |
Scarlet Tanager Piranga olivacea |
White-breasted Nuthatch Sitta carolinensis |
Hooded Merganser Lophodytes cucullates |
Northern Raccoon Procyon lotor |
White-tailed Deer Odocoileus virginianus |
American Bullfrog Lithobates catesbeianus |
Widow Skimmer Libellula luctuosa |
Slaty Skimmer Libellula incesta |
Six-spotted Green Tiger Beetle Cicindela sexguttata |
A hiker was killed by a falling tree on this trail last week |
-Went out for the annual hike of Mont-Saint-Bruno with the Scottsman yesterday, in sweaty hot weather.
-Plenty of biting bugs out.
-Was surprised to hear the burry songs of two Yellow-throated Vireos around a small lake.
-Other highlights included Pied-billed Grebe, Indigo Bunting, Baltimore Oriole, Veery, Hermit Thrush, and five warbler species (American Redstart, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, and Black-throated Green Warbler).
-38 bird species in 5 hours.